Lisa Willing

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The end of personalized advertising?

The end of personalized advertising?

Update (22.07.2024): User information instead of cookie ban Google is taking new approaches to handling third-party cookies, which is essentially a reversal of their previous plan to eliminate them. Instead of abolishing third-party cookies, the company is now focusing on increasing user education. Users will be given more choices. Eliminating cookies in the Chrome browser would have significant impacts on the online advertising industry and Google itself. Therefore, a new approach is being considered in consultation with regulatory authorities, the company announced. Update (24.04.2024): Our expectations have been confirmed: The shutdown of third-party cookies in Google's Chrome browser won't happen [...]

Mastering the GA4 Transition: Essential Strategies for Affiliate Marketers

Mastering the GA4 Transition: Essential Strategies for Affiliate Marketers

With the transition from Universal Analytics (UA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the affiliate marketing industry faces significant challenges. We have looked into how major affiliate networks like Rakuten, Tradedoubler, Awin, CJ, TradeTracker and Kwanko position themselves on GA4 and what strategies and best practices they recommend. GA4 introduces new features and changes that affect data tracking and attribution. This transition is particularly relevant for affiliate marketers as it requires new strategies and adjustments to maintain accurate and reliable data. Impact of GA4 on Affiliate Marketing The switch to GA4 has fundamentally changed affiliate marketing. The new data-driven attribution model [...]

Future of third-party cookies: advanced store looks optimistically into the unknown

Future of third-party cookies: advanced store looks optimistically into the unknown

UPDATE (09.06.2023) Google will enormously restrict the possibilities of third-party tracking in the coming year. Advertisers will therefore have to look for new ways to target users for whom their products or services are relevant. As Internet users' privacy becomes more of a focus, targeting options will also change dramatically. Google has therefore been working on an alternative to cookie tracking for a long time. With the following Chrome update in July, the Privacy Sandbox can now be tested in general by website operators. Since Google doesn't plan to make any more changes to the API interfaces until third-party cookies [...]

Content commerce takes over the internet: How creators are turning their passions into profitable businesses

Content commerce takes over the internet: How creators are turning their passions into profitable businesses

In recent years, the internet has seen a major shift towards content commerce - the practice of using online platforms to sell products and services related to a particular area of expertise or interest. From fashion bloggers selling their own clothing lines to YouTube stars offering online courses and coaching, more and more creators are finding success by turning their passions into profitable businesses. Key factors for successful content commerce: quality content, loyal audience One of the key benefits of content commerce is that it allows creators to build a loyal and engaged audience around their specific area of expertise. [...]

advanced store & ad4mat: Successful partner for advertisers and publishers

advanced store & ad4mat: Successful partner for advertisers and publishers

We have been working with both advertisers and publishers for many years. While we successfully run performance marketing for advertisers under the advanced store brand, we offer innovative products under the ad4mat brand that enable publishers to earn money online - with their website or on their social media channel. We started the new year with the relaunch of our ad4mat portfolio and the associated website Publishers will find an overview of our products and learn how they can use them to increase their online advertising revenues. More sales through online reach with ad4mat With our smart advertising solutions, [...]

TTDSG: what you need to know about cookie banners now

TTDSG: what you need to know about cookie banners now

TTDSG ... yet another abbreviation that supposedly makes life difficult for you as a publisher? Don't worry, we'll explain what's behind it. Probably nothing will change for you, since you already follow the existing regulations. Nevertheless, there are a few things to keep in mind. TTDSG: What is it about? The Data Protection and Privacy in Telecommunications and Telemedia Act came into force on 1 December 2021. It merges the previous Telecommunications Act (TKG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG) under the requirements of the GDPR and contains a large number of rules relating to telecommunications services and telemedia. Cookie rules [...]

Prospecting: gaining new customers through a targeted approach

Prospecting: gaining new customers through a targeted approach

If you only ever address your advertisements to users who have already bought something in your shop, you will not experience long-term success. Retargeting as an advertising strategy alone will not get you very far. Instead, the goal of any campaign should be not only to re-engage existing customers, but also to acquire new customers at the same time. So, you have to look for users who are highly likely to be interested in a certain product. But what is the best way to find them? Prerequisite for successful prospecting – a clearly defined target group In order not to [...]

Summer, beach & good mood: The big advanced store reunion

Summer, beach & good mood: The big advanced store reunion

Sometimes you only realise how much something means when you suddenly don't have it anymore. Christmas parties, team outings, business events - everything that brings a team closer together outside of work and strengthens cohesion was no longer possible for a year and a half due to Corona. Due to the changeover to Mobile Flex Office and the access restrictions in the office, there was no longer any opportunity for all advanced store employees to meet at once. This made the (pre-)joy of the advanced store Summer Party in mid-August all the greater.  At the lakeside resort of Friedrichshagen on [...]

advanced store takes over affilitizer from 1 June 2021

advanced store takes over affilitizer from 1 June 2021

affilitizer has been around for almost 5 years now. During this time, thousands of users have come to appreciate the simplicity of finding affiliate programmes directly via Google every day. Now Eugen Falkenstein, founder and owner of the useful browser extension, has decided to hand over affilitizer to Marc Majewski, CEO of advanced store. An era for affilitizer comes to an end, a new one begins It was not easy for Eugen to give up his project. He is all the more pleased now that the project will not come to a halt thanks to Marc and his Berlin-based team: [...]

What exactly is the job of... Team Advertiser DACH: between customers and machine room

What exactly is the job of... Team Advertiser DACH: between customers and machine room

It's May again and we've reached part 4 of our team series. On offer today: Girl power. Besides our Publisher Team and Team International we have another group of colleagues, Team Advertiser DACH, who are in direct contact with our customers, whether B2C or B2B. As the name suggests, these are advertisers – but also partners such as networks or agencies. What does the daily routine of Team Advertiser DACH look like? Before we really get started, why don't we start with the question of who Team DACH is? The female trio consists of Ulrike aka "Ulli", Barbara and Melissa. [...]

What exactly is the job of... Team International: 5 and a cat

What exactly is the job of... Team International: 5 and a cat

The Godfather has one, Dr. Claw, Inspector Gadget's antagonist, has one and even Gargamel is never without his Azrael. But not only these villains love their cat. Fluffa, Francisco's cat, is also an integral part of our Team International. After Team Marketing and Team Publisher , we now introduce the five-member team that takes care of all the needs of our international customers. Who's in Team International and what do they do? Besides Fluffa and Francisco, Izabela, Silvia, Glen and Marta belong to Team International. They have all found their way to Berlin and bring the most diverse influences to [...]

Increase website advertising revenue: Alternatives to Google AdSense

Increase website advertising revenue: Alternatives to Google AdSense

Would you like to monetize your website and place advertisements on it for this purpose? Then you've probably already thought about running ads through Google AdSense. The integration of Google Ads initially seems to be the most obvious solution for many companies. On the one hand, because it is probably the best-known way of making money as a publisher. On the other hand, because integration is very easy. We'll show you why you shouldn't rely on Google Ads alone and what advantages advanced ad offers you as an alternative. Your request: Earn money with your website without much effort If [...]

What exactly is the job of... Team Publisher: straight from the suite into the pool

What exactly is the job of... Team Publisher: straight from the suite into the pool

Sounds like a luxury holiday? Well, that’s what it’s like in our youngest team. And, no, we don’t mean the age of the individual team members, but the fact that the Publisher department at advanced store has only existed for the last 3 years. This closes the circle in the world of online marketing as, besides advertisers who want to take their products to the people, we also need website operators who offer their pages as advertising space. Both worlds are connected by our media platform, the advanced suite . And the pool? Well, that’s where all the advertising is, [...]

What exactly is the job of... Team Marketing: between memes and methods

What exactly is the job of... Team Marketing: between memes and methods

Marketing: for some, it’s a non-word. For others – well, it’s one of those things that is hard to define. If you have to explain to your parents what you do as a ‘marketing person’, the answers are quite different, depending on the person concerned. At advanced store, we can put it more or less like this: everything that goes out, whether it is text or images, goes through the marketing team. Why? Quite simply, so that there is a common theme that threads through everything. This makes it easier both for the customer and for colleagues and employees. ‘Corporate [...]

Control and safety for display campaigns through viewTag

Control and safety for display campaigns through viewTag

By using our viewTag technology, we ensure that our advertising banners are only deployed when in the user’s field of vision. This way we protect you from a banner deployment without any advertising performance. You only pay for actual advertising performance on a CPO basis. viewTag gives you the opportunity to place advertising material from premium advertisers in the not instantly visible area of your site without violating the guidelines for advertising placement. At the same time, unnecessary loading times are eliminated. Display resolution The resolution and size of the monitor used by the user no longer matter. Even on [...]

First Party Cookies: Facebook Introduces New Advertising Tracking Option

First Party Cookies: Facebook Introduces New Advertising Tracking Option

As some browsers are making tracking via third-party cookies increasingly difficult, Facebook is introducing a new option that will allow advertisers to continue tracking their website traffic accurately: The social network will offer an option to switch to first-party cookies.

Retargeting Guide: Step by Step to a Perfect Retargeting Strategy

Retargeting Guide: Step by Step to a Perfect Retargeting Strategy

For some time now online marketing has been called "Back to the Roots". One of these roots is retargeting, also known as remarketing in the Google-Universe, which follows a simple strategy: With the help of personalized advertising banners, visitors who ditched your website are retrieved in order to finally encourage them to buy.

Incentives: How to positively influence the buying decision with due to attractive incentives

Incentives: How to positively influence the buying decision with due to attractive incentives

Why do we need incentives? The majority of online shoppers have a pronounced price-performance sensitivity. On the one hand, the variety of offers increases daily and on the other hand, comparing products and offers in our digitalized world has become extremely easy. Incentives therefore offer a good opportunity to stand out from the convoluted range of offers. Incentives: What is this? Incentives in online marketing are cash or non-cash bonuses that are linked to an offer or product, thereby encouraging the user to make a purchase. In other words, an incentive is the icing on the cake of an offer [...]

I AM EVERYWHERE: advanced store at iab Forum 2018

I AM EVERYWHERE: advanced store at iab Forum 2018

The "challenges of the mobile society" will be the focus of the iab Forum 2018. Under the slogan "I AM EVERYWHERE", industry experts from all over the world will deal with the changes that a data- and technology-driven society is undergoing. advanced store will also be present at this interesting online marketing event.

Audience Targeting by advanced store: The Right Combination of Common Sense and Love of Analytics

Audience Targeting by advanced store: The Right Combination of Common Sense and Love of Analytics

Our audience targeting is precisely aligned to the requirements of performance campaigns. Unlike branding campaigns, achieving a specific demographics is not the goal of these campaigns. Response or conversion is what counts. Therefore only methods that have a lasting effect on the response will do.

Artificial Intelligence: How data is made usable

Artificial Intelligence: How data is made usable

"Made in Germany" stands for quality and reliability - this should also apply to artificial intelligence in the future. "Artificial Intelligence (AI) made in Germany" is to become a globally recognized seal of quality and Germany the world's leading location for AI, as stated in the Federal Government's key issues paper on the Artificial Intelligence Strategy. This is an ambitious goal if you look at how Germany is still lagging behind other countries in the field of digitisation. In order to achieve this leading position, so-called competence centres are to be set up. In addition, research in the field of [...]

advanced store at PI LIVE: October 15 & 16, London

advanced store at PI LIVE: October 15 & 16, London

On the 15th and 16th of October 2018, the online marketing industry will be looking to London for PI Live - the Affiliate & Performance Marketing Conference. As with any event of this kind, the main focus will be on networking on an international basis in addition to exciting sessions on current industry topics. Advertisers, publishers, networks and agencies meet here. And advanced store is right in the middle of it this year. We are represented as exhibitors with our own booth. So come by and visit us in the Grand Hall, at booth number 9!

International Performance Marketing Awards 2018: advanced store acts as co-sponsor and presents Agency Award

International Performance Marketing Awards 2018: advanced store acts as co-sponsor and presents Agency Award

Since 2007, international marketing agencies, networks and technologies have competed with one another to win an International Performance Marketing Award (IPMA). In association with advanced store, 2018 will also see this significant award being granted in many different categories within the context of the PI LIVE Performance Marketing and Affiliate Conference. As category sponsor, advanced store has also the honour of presenting one of the awards.

BrightRoll DSP Core Certification: advanced store has proven expert knowledge

BrightRoll DSP Core Certification: advanced store has proven expert knowledge

With BrightRoll DSP, Yahoo provides more than 165 billion data points every day, helping to reach the right audience with each ad and on every device. But using this huge amount of data effectively is a big challenge. To take full advantage of all BrightRoll DSP features, some advanced store staff members have been extensively involved in a training course and have successfully completed the BrightRoll DSP Core Certification.

advanced store at dmexco 2018: September 12 &13, Cologne - Hall 6.1 / E070

advanced store at dmexco 2018: September 12 &13, Cologne - Hall 6.1 / E070

In 2018, dmexco reinvented itself. Not only the logo is new, but also the organisation of the industry event. Under the motto "Take C.A.R.E." dmexco offers a two-day conference with 550 speakers on 5 stages. Around 1,100 international exhibitors will be present at the accompanying exposition. advanced store will also be present this year: You will find us in Hall 6.1, E-070.


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advanced store is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We will use your personal information only to manage your account and to provide you with the products and services you request.You can find more about data protection here.
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